Guided by scientific and technological innovation, Evernew always keeps outward-oriented and sticks to the positive development on the basis of technological innovation. dog food & treats We promise that we provide every customer with high-quality products including dog food & treats and comprehensive services. If you want to know more details, we are glad to tell you.Our dog food & treats is made of selected high-quality ingredients, scientifically proportioned, and made with special processing techniques. It is nutritious, delicious, safe and healthy.
Product Name:Air dried large quail
Packing:Individual packaging
Shelf life:The shelf life at normal temperature is 12 months. To ensure the taste, please eat it as soon as possible
1.Hand-picked ingredients are air-dried at low temperature. When air-dried, each quail is only about the size of your hand. No preservatives or chemical additives are added
2.Fresh ingredients, rich in protein and pet fatty acids, can be a good way to meet the needs of dog hair growth
3.Dried large quail chewy, bone and flesh together, pets through repeated chewing can grind teeth clean
4.Independent packaging, professional sterilization treatment, to prevent secondary pollution
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